Onboarding & Outplacement

Caring outplacement & career transition

On occasion, the need arises in the operation of a company to reorganize, reduce the number of employees, or to change the location and scope of positions. Companies tend to compensate by training those dismissed due to a matter beyond their control.

By arranging an outplacement, companies are able to provide a valuable parting gift and support to the leaving colleague. This is a useful way of maintaining the trust of those still at the company, and also of building the employer brand and reducing the number of legal cases involving employees.


  • Executive outplacement programs
  • Group (staff) outplacement programs
  • Personal branding training
  • Career and soft skills training
  • Psychometric testing and feedback

Sales staff development

There are many types of training aimed at developing sales staff, and this is the group that is provided with the largest number of training courses. It is often the case that companies fail to build a strong sales identity due to an excessive focus on processes and technical details.

Our solutions focus on the deeper layers of sales operations that can create the basis for sales identity and also provide new and senior colleagues with the opportunity to work in a more focused and authentic way.


  • Sales emotional intelligence training
  • Customer focus training
  • Proactive problem solving training
  • Team coaching
  • MBTI-based self-assessment and customer assessment training

Sales staff efficiency audit

The performance of sales staff can easily be demonstrated by sales figures, yet the reasons behind the results are often unknown.

Our solutions allow the efficiency of sales staff to be examined through the qualitative analysis of the working steps. The points at which the company’s practices differ from corporate best practice or the international benchmarks can also be shown.


  • On-the-job observation and analysis
  • Interview-based analysis

Interview techniques and selection training

It is a priority for HR departments to professionally support the selection process – its effectiveness is of strategic importance to the company.

We offer professional training to HR colleagues to help them learn the process, theories and tools for selection. This boosts the effectiveness of the selection process and reinforces employees’ ‘employer front office’ mentality.


  • Interview techniques training
  • Assessment center training
  • Selection process audit
  • Assessment center materials production
  • Recruiter shadow coaching

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