Coaching & Psychodiagnostics

Individual Development

The ICF Global Coaching Study (2009) revealed that coaching most often leads to improved self-esteem, communication skills and work performance. Several companies and individuals reported clear monetary ROI on their coaching investment. The median personal ROI in the study indicates that those who seek a financial gain can expect a return in the range of 3.44 times their investment.

Being Business Psychologists, our Coaches understand both the psychological patterns and the business implications of a given case. We use the Solution Focus approach to mobilize energies towards a positive outcome, and combine these with other methods such as Gestalt Coaching, to create a deeper impact and meaning.

Leadership Coaching is an individual development tool, fostering awareness and responsibility of the Leader. Coaching is for individuals who want to strengthen their business impact through strengthening their conscious operation and capabilities.

We offer:

  • Executive coaching
  • Individual coaching
  • Career consulting

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